Empty ( BLANK) Modern Apps Shortcuts and  Icons when they are pinned to Taskbar

I have problem with Windows Apps store icons and shortcuts 

this is ONLY happen to windows apps store and not for all icons and shortcuts  . when i pin any modern app to taskbar it appears EMPTY SHORTCUT ON TASKBAR . I tried several fixes but not solved 

the problem began when my pc was infected with malwares i cleaned it and restart the pc 

after cleaning the pc the problem started. Problem in pinning any Windows Apps store to Taskbar.

i am using tweaking software for cleaning and free up the pc.  the software fixed the problem temporarily , but when i restart the pc the problem back again .

until now i think its problem in Permissions and security or problem in windows local policy , but i don't know where is the solution and how?

The main problem is : Empty Windows Apps Store Icons and Shortcuts when they pinned to Taskbar.
Any Suggestion???

  • Edited by SAM-AA Wednesday, August 12, 2015 2:20 PM
August 10th, 2015 11:23am

The problem still persist , the jump list is intact . I looked for( KB3072318) is not installed

The problem happened since the last week the restoration process will not give results and i dont want to restore. the PC works flawlessly and perfect, but i have only this problem with Modern Apps ..ONLY  when pinned to taskbar looks empty and transparent. BLANK..



the solution here in this page says that the problem solved when he (disabled that policy on his account). something wrong with Windows Update and Windows Product Cataloge  ,two separate policies. so which policies he is talking about? 


  • Edited by SAM-AA Wednesday, August 12, 2015 2:18 PM
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August 12th, 2015 2:13pm

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